Mail fra USA
February 08, 2017 07:13
Hello Marianne
I am Dot Northup formerly Dorothy Trowbridge. I saw your name on the YFU Danmark site tonight and remembered what a great hostess you were when I came to Fyn years ago. I will never forget visiting the YFU office and the Fyn museum with the beautiful old buildings and flowers.
I started volunteering with YFU again a few years back and after having the students visit our home a few times, my husband asked if we could host so we are actually hosting for the second time this year and plan to again next year. My husband wants the students to be from Denmark (I would choose anywhere). Thus Year we have Klara Holm from Allerød and last year we had Sarah Caesar. Both great experiences. Next year we have chosen s girl from Fyn! I thinks will be set very soon so we can contact her.
A few years back Susanne Moos Thomsen told me she knew you and you were still with YFU. I invited her to activities while she was in Michigan and we have been in contact since.
I hope you are doing well and enjoying life. Thank you for all you do in YFU and thanks YFU Danmark for sending us some wonderful 'daughters' to welcome into our family!! I got married over seven years ago so life is very different for me now but I am very happy.
Med venlig hilsen
Dot Northup